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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

I know maybe spending new year's eve with a spankin sexy hot mama is off the topic for you.....

So this one's for you....
Hey at least is the thought's that counts...rite??

Happy retarded new year, 2007!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Kegokilan menyambut tahun baroe.....

Baru aja balik belanja dari yang namanya supermarket Cina.... maklum-lah, walaupun kecil, supermarket Cina banyak digemari sama orang orang asia yang "kangen" sama produk lokal asia, dari beras sampe coklat pocky.

Kebeneran gw liat satu kemasan energy drink yang merknya "SHOCK"

Yeah.... with all the composition this energy drink has, the drinker will be "Shocked"

Gile... gak salah liat tuh ? salah satu bahannya Nicotinamide ? Kayak Nicotine rokok donks?

Damn chinese they put everything in everything...

The good thing is, for 50 cents a can you can also enjoy your full shot of nicotine drink... Sapa bilang rokok cuma bisa diisep????


Yeah.... intinya ... Natal udah lewat. One of my bestest Xmas ever!!!

Anggora and I, decided to gives ourselves lavish gifts...

Yup... unlike some other ppl, yang kebingungan nyari bar yg buka saat Xmas eve...
Unlike some other ppl yg "kebingungan" gak ada tempat untuk hang out saat Xmas eve.
We are having such a wonderful Xmas.

"Still I don't understand misa malem yg ada di gereja.... sampe jam 3 pagi bhoks....."
Jam 3 itu waktunya boboks....

O well ... anyway ... for the new year....

-For those ppl who got offended, humiliated, degraded, by me and my blog... Look in the mirror!
(it's not like everyday you can get "in your face" action like retarders blog offers)
-For those ppl who got dreams... stop dreaming, and this time try to at least "do something" with your life.
-For those illegal indos around here.... Student visa does not mean you're a king around here, so do us some favor and get home by mid 2007 if your "gelap" status does not get any better.
-For those of you driving your mommy or daddy benzi.... shame on you! Get a honda and start working!
-Drama queens should keep their pie holes where they should be .... in your room and shut.
-For those ppl who think their fat (like me) get your ass off the stinkin compie and start actually exercising... (I'm enrolling in the gym today)
-For ppl who go to church ... or vihara or whatever, please don't forget also to cleanse your heart this year... some of your heart stink like your bathroom.

And at least this time ..... make "be Less full of shit" becomes one of your new year resolutions (amongst many other retarded ones)

Happy Holidays and Happy new Year!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Obvious sign that you're a geek....


Damn .... Lolz...


Obvious sign that you're a geek....

-You woke up in the mornin' and the first thing that you do is check your e-mail.
-Your iPod can do other things other than playing mp3's, God forbid its primary use is not to play song like any other iPods people have.
-You go to Target and similar electronics store, and you ask "Do you have nintendo Wii in stock??"
-You have gadgets and toys that in your opinion should makes your life easier, but in reality you're just lazy.
-Bond : "Shaken not stirred" You: "Broadband not Dial-up"
-Your car is equipped with Navigation system, the interior looks like an electronic store.
-You've got electrical outlet, iPod attachment, and integrated bluetooth speaker system in your car (even though it's just a Honda Civic).
-You read magazine and articles disproofing about God's existence.
-You have never-ending stock of CD/RW's and DVD/RW's.
-You constantly thinking about the way to score with hot chicks.
-You constantly thinking about your prince charming that will come one day (maybe another century or so)
-You refer to myspace and friendster as your social life.
-Your MSN status reflects your current activity, such as sleeping, away, eating, and watching pornos.
-You've got tons of emoticons for your daily conversation, even emo that describes "shit" and "angry pandas".
-You think "Matrix" and "Hacker" is non fiction.
-You tried so hard to gather evidences that "Matrix" actually talks about Jesus in the future.
-You think Gil Grisham is hot.
-You can't go anywhere without your laptop.
-You've wondered if prayers can be answered through e-mail.
-You've wondered if Santa has a high-tech workshop.
-You don't believe in Santa, but you believe what the bestbuy dude tells you that they don't make commission based on their sale.
-You've been to anime convention and dress as one (although you knew you look like shit).
-You've been to anime comic convention and try to mingle (although you don't read japanese).
-You tried so hard to look "chinese" or "japanese" with the hair-do and the wacky gears you put on.
-You think Jon Lovitz is hot, but hey you only buy subway sandwiches cuz the gal that sells the sandwich got some nice hoohoos.
-Your fave entertainment channel is youtube.
-You think MTV is a waste of time, but you can't help but watch it--just so you can analyze how stupid Jessica Simpson is.
-You've always wondered .... "Is bigger actually better???"
-You've always wondered .... "Are those real???"
-You do everything online, except shaving your grandmama's legs.
-You think speeding is surfing the net @ 4.5 Megs a second.
-Your criminal records total equals the number of how much you have had sex in your lifetime.
-Your understanding of "kinky" is putting a 3.5 Floppy Disc into a Zip Drive.
-Your book of choice: "How to ditch a pentium III in 10 days...."
-You think mr. Spock is hot (Goddamn.....)
-You do computer repairs for sex (even with grandmas).
-Your definition of "sexy" is the feeling you get when you touch that new fanless motherboard.
-Heterosexual for you meaning that you can use your monitor for both TV and Computer use.
-God despise you, because you kept on jammin his blessings into your SPAM folders.
-Yo momma and papa despise you, cuz the only e-mail account you opened is the one you use to register your porn account with.
-You've considered changing your name to Johnny McLongCock, and Bruce HardMember.
-You love the Simpsons, South Park and other crappy cartoons, but you hate the evening news.
-Family guy really describe your family.
-You've got an old computer (freakin' old) thats running as a dedicated server in your own home.
-Your dedicated server primary use: "Serving pornos through your entire house."
-You've got harddrive space like one of those ebay or amazon.com has, it doesnt start with "Giga", but "Tera."
-And most of the spaces occupied is for your pornos collection.
-You thanked Jesus/ Muhammad/ Buddha or any other God for pirated softwarez.
-You've entered an ugly people contest and the judges says "Sorry, no proffesionals."
-You lurks in shopping malls, in the gaming store, even kids started to think you're creepy.
-You spend your holidays battling hordes of evil in online gaming.
-You think "hell" is a place (or cubicle) where the 486's still operating these days with Windows 95.
-You've woke one day and remember a dream where you were a character in Warcraft.
-Chicks dig your overclock processing speed.
-Dudes dig your pornos collection (literally).
-40 years old virgin was a very inspirational movie for you.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Smackdown Mania

Kantung Kemih Bocah SD Pecah Di-smackdown

Minggu 3 Desember 2006, Jam: 6:59:00

BEKASI (Pos Kota) - Satu lagi bocah SD jadi korban tayangan smackdown. Sabroni, 10, warga Kampung Kompa RT 03/06 Desa Karangsatria, Tambun Utara, terbaring di RS Islam Pondok Kopi, karena kantung kemihnya pecah setelah ditendang teman-temannya.

Selain itu wajah anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara pasangan Satrio, 35 dan Ny Anisa, 26 lebam dan terlihat biru. Temen-temen main banting-bantingan dan tendang-tendangan, kata murid kelas IV SDN 02 Karangsatria ini.

Menurut Satrio, anaknya Senin lalu mengaku nyeri pada selangkangannya dan wajahnya lebam-lebam biru. Dia ngakunya habis main berantem-beranteman di sekolah, tutur Satrio, yang mengaku kaget dan segera membawa ke klinik terdekat.

Karena dari klinik disarankan untuk berobat ke RS besar, akhirnya lelaki yang bekerja di RS Islam Pondok Kopi, Jakarta Timur ini membawanya ke sana .Biar di sini gampang ditungguin, katanya.

Sementara itu beberapa orang tua murid yang sedang menunggu di SDN 02 Karangsatria, mengaku mengenal Roni, sapaan Sabroni sebagai anak yang gesit dan enerjik. Dia seperti tidak ada capeknya, lari ke sana , terkadang main berantem-beranteman,” kata satu orang tua.

Lain dengan kakaknya Malik, 12, murid kelas VI di sekolah itu. Dia anaknya kalem dan jarang berlarian,” tutur Nunung, seorang guru di sana, yang mengaku prihatin dan berharap Roni cepat sembuh.

Menurut keluarga Sabroni, kantung kemih penggemar berat tokoh John Cena, pada smackdown ini harus dioperasi karena pecah. Minggu ini dia akan dioperasi,” katanya, sambil mendukung langkah pemerintah menghentikan tayangan tersebut.

Nice.... entah gw harus ngakak (gak kuat menahan ketawa) ato mesti prihatin.... akan parenting skills org indo.

Anyway .... happy retarded weekend....
~salam retarders~

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Indonesians need to be more considerate of others...


Hmmm... I guess "stupid" is what I would call you?

Ck ck ck.... orang goblok juga tahu kalao elo gak suka sama seseorang... ngapain loe omong sama pacarnya???

Baru kali ini gw liat cowok GAY model ginih .... kagak bertitit....
Just because you got hurt.... hurt...hurt.....


Tau gak kalo kebanyakan orang Indo itu (apalagi yang tinggal di luar negeri) gak tau diri?
Entah kampungan-nya, entah kasarnya, entah take advantagenya... gile orang indo tuch kayak leech, kayak upil yang dikorek-korek gak mo lepas.....

Orang indo, memiliki rasa egois yang sangat tinggi, kurang peka terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar, boro-boro ikut "give back" to the community where they stayed.

Salah satu contohnya:
Mo nanya (Ttg Asylum)
hey, gw baru gabung disini, krn gw tertarik membahas masalah greencard.
gw minta saran2nya dr kalian yang mungkin bisa bantu masalah gw.
sekarang ini, gw masi student di atlanta, gw nyampe sini April 2006, jadi masi 7 bulanan lah kira2.
denger2 di LA, lagi gampang dapet asylum buat orang Indo yang blom 1 tahun tinggal disini, tapi itu buat visa turis. ada yang tau ngga buat visa student gimana kesempatannya? terus, ada yng bisa bantu kasi alasan yang kuat buat gw ngga?
sebetulnya, gw sih bisa tinggal disini legally, tapi ya itu, uang sekolah untuk International student mahal bok.. jadi mending uangnya ditabung untuk masa depan.
terus kalo apply asylum itu perorangan kah? suami ku "gelap" nih, dia dah hampir 3 tahun tinggal disini. apakah itu ntar berpengaruh ama proses asylum?
Tolong dibantu ya teman2..

Thank you...
Hmmm.... tau gak brp banyak org indo yg gak tau diri kayak gini yach. Pertama, minta asylum dari pemerintah A.S. Asylum itu sebenernya buat perlindungan khusus buat para pengungsi yang terancam jiwa dan keselamatannya secara langsung. (seperti konflik di Darfur) Dimana orang orang pada ditembakin mati dan dibunuhin sama pemerintah setempat. Kalo loe masih bisa beli ticket pesawat, apalagi kuliah di A.S, el-retardo knows you don't need asylum.

Orang orang kayak gini yang mentalnya rada cacat, apalagi dengan mengawini suami yang statusnya gelap... membuat orang orang yang lebih memerlukan asylum makin kecil peluangnya. Whats wrong with being an Indonesian? you're supposed to be proud of it!
mau tanya nih
saya tgl 4 oktober kemarin tabrakan nih. Sewaktu tabrakan saya ndak punya insurance. Ada police report dan saya dikasih tiket "no proof of insurance".
Skrg saya lagi nunggu police report'nya keluar buat tau siapa yg salah dan siapa yg bener.
Insurance'nya driver satunya pernah telpon saya tanya kejadiannya bagaimana, dan saya jelaskan. Mereka juga kirim surat "proof of claim form" isinya tentang data2 saya, kecelakaannya kapan, bagaimana terjadinya, gambar kecelakaan'nya, dan estimate perbaikan mobil saya.
Setelah saya dapet "proof of claim form" itu, saya telpon calims adjuster'nya, dia bilang kalo client'nya (driver satunya) ndak punya liability di dia, jadi dia gak bakalan bayar perbaikan mobil saya.

Pertanyaan saya:
Maksudnya dia kirim "proof of claim form" itu buat apa kalo emang client'nya gak punya liability di dia?

Perlu gak saya kirim balik "proof of claim form" nya ke mereka?

Kalo misalnya saya perbaikin mobil saya skrg, setelah itu police report keluar dan saya dinyatakan tak bersalah, bisa gak saya minta balik uang perbaikan mobil saya?
Hmmmm... another one of those idiot sample, driving gak pake insurance, bayar insurance gak mau (kemahalan) Tapi pas ketabrak buru buru yang ditanyain pertama ganti-ruginya.

Pernah gak itu orang mikir kalau pihak yang lain injured, atau trauma.... yang dipikir cuma perut sendiri, sama benerin mobil (yang rata rata bisa ditebak BMW ato Mercy) yang harganya bikin engkong-loe miskin tujuh turunan, dibeliin sama babeh tercinta pulak. Tapi bayar insurance 100+ US sebulan kagak mau saking pelitnya....

Dear aLL...
iNi postingan gw yg pertama, newbie emang ha ha ha, baru kemarin Registrasi First.. Met Kenal buat semua!
Kemarin dah baca2 dikit Thread gimana dan bagaimana "ke USA"
How to get Visa bla bla bla... sampe ada teman yg pengen kesana dengan modal dengkul.. mau kek Arnold... 60 sent jadi Gobernor.. ngakak juga baca orang "india"yg haknya dirampas di Amrik he he he!!!

Emang iyah seh.. semangat dan semangat harus terus membara di dada.. walau modal na dengkul doang...
Tapi mungkin teman2 harus pikirkan juga... ke USA tanpa kenal siapa2!!! Ok.. mungkin terlalu jauh mikirnya.. Visa aja blom dapat, tapi gpp kita mikir ke depan... dah banyak Thread "How To Get Visa" jadi mungkin saya mau tanya kelanjutan dari itu...

Sekarang misalnya dah dapat visa... siap2 neh, brangkat ke Amrik.. bye bye Indo... aku pergi ke dunia lain yg penuh harapan.. Tunggu aku kembali dengan berkarung2 duit He He He, mungkin kita akan berharap demikian...

Persoalan berikut... sesampainya "kita" disana.. di imigrasi mudah2an bisa lewat, jangan sampe kek Tom Hanks di Film The Terminal He He He... Menginjakkan kaki di Negeri antah berantah tanpa kenal siapun! kira2 mau ngapain???

Pertanyaan untuk teman2 yg dah di sana, ada ga Komunitas Indo yg siap nampung sementara,yg bisa jemput di Rport, yg bisa bantu cariin kerja bla bla bla..yg bisa bantu2 gitu mpe bisa berjalan sendiri

Last, tadi sempet kontak teman disana.. gw sharing yg gw baca disini.. dan dia advise jgan datang deh klo mau ilegal dengan berbagai argumen!!!...(gimana dunk sesepuh)

segini dulu yah...

Thx Before !!!
Damn ... ini lebih parah lagi. dateng dari Indo niatnya udah gelap. Minta bantuan lagi dicariin kerja ama ditampung sementara.... Elo hidup gelap mau tapi hidup susah kagak mau???
Ho ho ho .... such truly unique indonesians are. How truly "inconsiderate of others."

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

retarded Holiday Wish....


One word.... "Scary..."


retarders holiday wish list.

Cuma sederetan holiday wish punya retarders, well at least I'm speaking for retarded peepz kyk gw juga....

- Nintendo Wii (yeah get in line... everyone in the neighborhood wants one)

- PS3 Im not gonna comment on this one...

- Nabaztag rabbit
I know ...it's retarded, but the concept of a smart ass bunny that talks and dance to music, while reading your fave news headline are just so far out there!!!

The nabaztag.... these bunnies actually do "Tai Chi"

-Brand new Sony VAIO SZ series

Laptop dual core baru yang speednya bisa bikin nenek loe terkencing-kencing dan kantonglo menghidap kangker, ditambah dengan biometric sekuriti sidik jari dan video card khusus gaming.
-Reunion with my MusicIndo Famz... at least for one broadcast together :D

-LG stop making the chocolates, cuz there ain't nothing sweet about it.

The incredibly "retarded" LG Chocolate...
-a 5 Megapixel Cameraphone release in the U.S. (duh, any year now...)

-Sony Ericsson K800i, which is the hottest phone on the market, who totally kicks blackberry's ass...

-A new JOB!!! yes I want one! The one that entitles you to sunday beauty massage and dinner in Paris :D

-Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, sama Britney Spears tiba tiba terdampar di dimensi lain bareng ama Wilmer Velderama, Flava Flav, sama Nick Carter (dan gak bisa balik).

-Santa actually took K-Fed to work in his sex toy shop as one of his little elfs.

-MTV stop showing junks like Yo Momma and Sweet Sixteen.

You have other holiday wishes? ideas? Let them be heard on the comment section!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Munafik Indonesians..... munafik nation....

Nice Advertisement :D

Baru aja heboh tentang RUU Pornoaksi, ternyata udah terbukti kebulshitan dan korupnya tokoh-tokoh masyarakat di Indo.

kutipan dari indonesiamatters.com
Maria Eva, or Maria Ireva, 29, usually called Merry, from Sidoarjo in East Java, is the dangdut singer and sometime sinetron actress who appeared in the raunchy sex recording with Golkar parliamentarian Yahya Zaini.
Ternyata kebanyakan wakil wakil rakyat indo cuma OmDo alias Omong Doank.

Maria Ireva, bintang film porno berjilbab.

*updated with video*

-Sudah 2x menunaikan ibadah haji.
-Sudah 2x ketanah suci.
-Sering menghabiskan waktu bertasbih dan bersembahyang kepada Auloh.
-Aktif sebagai anggota Muhammadiyah dan Partai Golkar.
-Mengaku masih perawan (can someone say "Bullshit..."?)

Ternyata aib nya keluar deh... heboh banget pas keluar rekamannya adegan seksual antara Maria dan anggota parlemen Golkar Yahya Zaini dalam bentuk format 3gp.
(Makanya pak, lain kali jangan direkam kalau selingkuhan...)

House leader of Golkar, Andi Matabelalattan, says he can’t be sure if Y.Z. is involved in the scandal but if he is he will be punished. Y.Z. was known to be a man of good moral character, he said, and so he wasn’t jumping to conclusions especially considering he hadn’t seen the video yet.
Yeah.... he's just waiting for someone to send the video via e-mail, watched it on his layar tancep style entertainment room, jacked off into it and then concluded it was human error mistake.

Para pemuka dan wakil rakyat seharusnya bisa jaga kemaluan donks, itu celana sampe turun kebawah-bawah bikin malu aja.....

man of the hour, el-gigolo Yahya Zaini...

Rakyat Indonesia gak boleh melakukan hal hal yang porno, berciuman, berpakaian minim, baca playboy, tapi para wakil rakyatnya boleh selingkuhan kayak kebow....

Oh bang Rhoma... lihatlah generasimu... bikin maluwww....

Damn Indonesia.... munafik nation...

Monday, December 04, 2006

retarded trip to laundromat....

You'll be surprise at what you'll find in laundromats these days.....

Terakhir gw ke laundromat sama anggora buat cuci-cuci baju....

Yang pasti selalu aja ada manusia yang gak tau diri ....
udah tau fire lane itu "larangan" buat parkir... tapi buat sebagian orang2 gak berpendidikan kayak gini, trotoar yang dicat merah hampir gak ada bedanya ama trotoar biasa.

I dunno WTF... how the hell do you shop and do laundry at the same time???...

You can also play Video Game......

Dirty Video Game......

Did somebody jacked off in front of the gumball machine???
Ato kunyah permen karet yang entah dari tahun kapan expired nya.

And people tend to leave their stuff too.....

Hmmm..... leopard underwear....

Can you say "rrrrrrrrrrrr" ????