Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Nostalgia kekasih jaman kuda.....
Sesekali curhat donk yaks, huehuahuhauha.....
Kala buka internet,
Aku nemu potret
Dipajang di-situs web
Walau udah lama gak diupdet....
Sekilas aku ingat kamu...
Jadi inget janji-janji nya dirimu....
Waktu itu gue masih lugu...
Masih ijo dan sedikit lucu (^_^)!
Kau satu Es-Em-Pe sama aku,
Beda Es-Em-A tapi tetap kontak-kontakan selalu.
Kalo kamu nge-les bahasa aku suka tunggu.
Walau motor boleh pinjem kau selalu dijemput oleh-ku.
Karena gak mau bayar parkir, kubayar pake duit dua-puluh ribu.
Satpam ngamuk, kembalian gak ada, aku cabut mulu.....
Kau suka panda, yang lucu-lucu
Kau jago nari, senam, suka perform afterschool program...
Aku suka kamu (karena konon kau paling cakep di bilangan kelas-ku)
Tapi kau cuma suka sama yang hitam-hitam ... hiks, berkulit legam :P
Akhirnya kita misah, padahal kau udah kutembak...
Cintaku ditolak...
Aku ke Amrik dikau kuliah ke Negeri Serawak....
Aku cuma bisa gigit jari, kapan ketemu dikau kelak....
Terus kau telp aku...
Terus kau bilang cinta padaku...
Terus kau mau jadian jarak jauh sama aku...
Terus pengen buruan di-nikahkan sama pak penghulu...
Terus kau balik Indo...
Aku blom bisa balik - dicekal ama pemerintah US (Katanya aku bokek abis)
Telp ke Indo aja gak sanggup, Tiket balik boro-boro...
Sahabat dekatku kau kencani .... (denger berita kau ke parang tritis)
KoQ aku jadi barisan sakit hati gini seh ... huahuehuhauha....
Gpp deh, sesekali curhat, iya gak ???
Abis balik kau putuskan aku, karena aku gak bisa temui kamu....
Padahal duit makan aja waktu itu aku ngutang slalu....
Kala buka internet,
Aku nemu potret
Dipajang di-situs web
Walau udah lama gak diupdet....
Sial kau ... kawin gak ngundang...
Kayak lagunya "Tenda Biru" aja neh.....
Broken heart gw ....
Btw, itu suami, koQ lebih item dari kopi gw ????
Akhirnya gara gara kamoe aku jadi "player" deh :D
jadi retarded kayak gene.....
~Selamat menempuh hidup baru ama "mas-mu"~
(Sediain banyak lilin, in case di rumah mati lampu; bisa hilang nanti "mas-mu"....)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Fault by design ??? Guess they made it that way.....
Pernah denger cerita tentang mobil lemon ??
Mobil lemon adalah contoh mobil yang dibikin asal, hingga kualitas-nya "asal" dari pabriknya. Contohnya beberapa jenis mobil Mustang yang diproduksi ama Ford (tahun 2003-an), banyak sekali konsumen yang mengalami ke-frustasi-an dari produk gagal yang diciptakan sama Ford ini. Mulai dari starter kagak nyala, dinamo starternya rusak, sampe-sampe problem sama tangki bensin. Temen gw punya satu... akhirnya setelah 2 tahun frustasi benerin problem yang sama, doi dibalikin duidnya ama Ford, dibeliin Mercy
Everybody kinda knows that Mustang is an American piece of sh*t.
except from the American Pride, the car barely offers anything.
Nah ... gw baru aja kelar upgrade kompie gw, ceritanya kepengen ikutan jadi gamer, kebeneran memang blom ada kerjaan lain selain nge-bajak games ama software-software.
Tahu gak elo kalau komputer sekarang basisnya udah 64 bit? Komputer-komputer macem yang elo beli di-toko (Glodok ato Mang-Du kalo di-Indo) mungkin sekarang seenggaknya di pasangin processor 64 bit seperti AMD Athlon 64, ato Intel Core Duo. Harga juga mungkin udah tambah murah, spesifikasi standard mungkin bisa dibeli dengan harga dibawah 10 jeti, tambah bonus game bajakan ini itu, plus monitor, sama keybord dan mouse merk BenQ. (Bahkan kalo lu hoki, lu bisa ngomong sama si engko yang punya toko buat kasih loe diskon supaya ditambahin DVD Burner yang (-/+), supaya elo juga bisa ngebajak film DVD sendiri dirumah.)
Nah, sekarang buat komputer seharga 10 jeti itu, elo pake buat apa nih? Word Processing? Ngetik-ngetik
Harga Windows XP retail berapa coba ? 200 US Dollar buat yang Home Edition, 250 - 300 dollar buat yang Professional Edition. Faktanya buat kebanyakan orang orang awam, gak tau apa sih bedanya Home Edition sama Professional ? Dua-duanya punya "Start" button, dan dua-duanya punya ikon "E" kecil segede bagong.
Serupa tapi tak sama .... Professional v.s Home Edition. (Cuma beda warna???)
Alhasil gw baru aja upgrade kompie gw pake Athlon 64, nah memory yang disupport sama motherboard gw seharusnya di maximum 4 GB (Gigabyte) dan karena kebeneran gw kepengen cobain rasanya meluncurkan program game bajakan pake memory 4GB, jadinya gw pasang 4 GB RAM Di komputer gw.
Loe juga kalau mau bisa coba sendiri, klik start menu, run, ketik "dxdiag" terus pencet enter.

Lah lah.... yang nongol cuma 2816 MB RAM.... pertanyaannya ... kemana sisa 1.2 Giga RAM yang gw pasang?
Salah satu sistim operasi tertolol yang pernah gw pake.... masa 4 x 1024 MB = 2816 System memory???
Gw coba coba cari informasi di google, ternyata pihak Microsoft menyatakan:
This issue occurs because of a design change in Windows XP SP2. The changes were made to PAE mode behavior to improve driver compatibility. To reduce driver compatibility issues, Windows XP Service Pack 2 includes hardware abstraction layer (HAL) changes that mimic the 32-bit HAL DMA behavior. The modified HAL grants unlimited map registers when the computer is running in PAE mode.
Additionally, the kernel memory manager ignores any physical address that is greater than 4 GB. Any system RAM that is greater than the 4 GB barrier would be made unaddressable by Windows and be unusable in the system.
By limiting the address space to 4 GB, devices with 32-bit DMA bus master capability will not see a transaction with an address that is greater than the 4 GB barrier.
Because these changes remove the need to double-buffer the transactions, they avoid a class of bugs in some drivers that is related to the correct implementation of double buffering support.
Intinya: buat yang gaptek alias gak ngertos komputer, kalo elo beli memory alias RAM, sekitar 4 Giga, Windows XP cuma bisa ngeliat maximum 2.8 - 3 Giga doank. Dan sisanya yang 1 Giga, kagak bakalan kepake sama Windows XP, padahal dinyatakan kalau Windows XP 32 bit bisa menunjung memory maksimum 4 Giga (dari websitenya Microsoft)
Satu-satunya jalan untuk ngeliat dan mempergunakan 4 GB memory adalah install Windows XP 64 bit version (Sekitar 200 USD) ato install Windows Server 2003 (tergantung lisensi, bisa mulai dari 300-an dollar).
Jadi percuma donk beli Windows 200 dollar kalo RAM yang elo beli gak bisa kepake? Hihihih... jadi apakah OS Windows XP termasuk lemon?
... Makanya ... elo gak bisa nyalahin juga yang namanya pembajakan.... wong OS nya aja dikorupsi heuhuehuehaa.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Brad Pitt Boker ??

Kapan lagi liat Darth Vader Kotak-kotak kayak lego ???
Tapi berhubung gamenya kagak asli ... alias bajakan... gw gak pernah bisa lewatin level 1... dasar nasib... hueheuheuhe...
a retarded morning conversation....
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
ya wis [:P]
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
just a little morning laugh
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
emang doi suka omongin gw juga yah ?
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
si xxx... [:P]
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
boong lu bintitan di pantad yeh, (bintitnya gambar brad pitt lagi boker)
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
dam ... bard pitt lagi boker kek apa yeh ? Penasaran
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
datengin ajah ke rumahnya
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
klo gak pasang spy cam di wcnya
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
bau gak ya ?
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
apa kalo dia star jadi wangi bokernya ?
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
apa cuma pagi doank ... bokernya wangi ...
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
trus kalo malem bau ??
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
geblekk dasarrrrrrrrrrrrrr
RayKo "Orang bilang tanah kita tanah surga, tinggal suruh aja abang-abang, pasti ditanemin, ya gak???" says:
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
gak taukk
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
coba gih klo penasaran
307 [(*)] s Er [(F)] n3`Bad day *spread the germs*@ "Forever isnt long enough when Im with you" says:
Beneran... Brad Pitt kalo boker ... bau gak ya???
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
retarders talk politics
Indonesians are amongst the most unique of cultures around the world. Imagine, one of the few nations having so much resources and natural potential. Strecthing over 13 thousand islands, large and small. Indonesians are truly blessed compared with other third world countries who doesn't even own so much resources to begin with.
Land? fuck land.. look at Singapore, they don't have no fuckin land but their economy is lightyears ahead of Indonesians.
Population? Indonesia should make use more of their population and convert it into a more productive workforce, yet all they have is hungry population, mostly uneducated, rampaging on the streets begging for money.

This is what "daily routines" for some of us means, go down car by car asking for money; and then in the end of the day we thank our God, and shove it up His ass "Hidupku terserah Tuhan"
Sure.... if God have bigger anger he would exterminate Indonesians first, we are lazy, dependent motherf**kers who can only take... take.... and take.... never strive for something better, and we just called it "nasib."
For some Indonesians who got lucky, developed a higher thinking process and tried to get out of the "nasib" bible. For the rest of the others is just going to be another day feeding our "babu" and "kuli" mentality.
Shit, we don't like it if our neighbour buy a new car, or doing better than we are, we are suffering when shit like that happened. We need to make sure that our neighbour and our nation stay miserable like we are, otherwise known as the communist mentality.
Shit, we only talks about democracy and the right to vote, but 30 freakin years of Soeharto is still much fuckin better than what we have right now. We vote, vote and vote.... yet a cup of Starbucks still worth a week's pay (isn't that hilarious?)
Shit, Indonesians have "babu" in each household to serve them food, clean up their mess, and their children's mess, and occasionally "pijat-pijat" the master of the house. But our nation can't even pay our debts, and they took our only satellite orbiting the moon so that we have to rent our satellite for communications purposes. (Albeit you can make international phone calls as little as 5 cents to Singapore, and Australia, but it took a buck fifty a minute to connect to Jakarta.)
And here comes the racism part, we have been nation of variety but 61 years after we got our own freedom, but we still calling each other names "cina" "tiko" "pribumi" "keturunan" and many other words that separates our nation more and more. Do you know that Chinese ID (KTP) are marked differently from Pribumi IDs? One uses dots (.) and the other uses dash (-)
Worse case, what the fuck is sumpah pocong anyway? Why would government officials need to take sumpah pocong to prove they are innocent from corruption? Why can't they just be trialed in our judicial system?
Why would Indonesian parents send their children studying abroad to live in luxury, just to go back after they graduated to continue their parents' business? Thats crazy! I though part of life is to find job and create opportunity for thyself, not to manage company given by daddy....
The sad thing is, if only mom and dad knows what the hell their child is doing spending 20 thousand dollars in a month, they should knows that the money proceeds into clubbing and fun categorical money (not for school tuitition like we said) College education in United States does not cost 20 grand a month, oh please....

It's funny how Indonesian kids abroad drive BMW, but their parents back home stuck driving Toyota Kijang.
The last thing that I am ashamed about Indonesian is the violence. When someone think different, we kick their ass. When someone say their opinion, we use golok to tame them. The more the merrier, "keroyokan" is also included in our official fighting style. Hell, Indonesian beat the shit of whoever dares to oppose them or the way they think... Indonesian are truly unique.
I guess it would take longer than 10, 20, or even another hundred years to free our mind and start realizing into a better and unified nation... Or like Indonesian often says "Insya Allah..."