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Sunday, February 05, 2006

a Letter to a friend...

(Warning, this post provokes so much cursing words, as any other posts in my blog!!)

Yum... Masih coba recap tentang cerita semalem. Denger-denger katanya ada yg bete sama guwe. Terus katanya dia (si bete) mo "ngerjain" semua orang yang berbuat jahat ama die. Biasanya sih guwe cuek aja lah. Cuma hari ini rasanya perlu guwe utarakan, apa sih tanggapan guwe dari komen tersebut.

  • First of all "Fuck you retard!" Can't you read fucking english, and learn to write one ha? Lu memo ini itu dalam bahasa inggris, tapi belepotan abis bahasanya. Ibaratnya lu tuh cuma setengah: diet coke, diet rootbeer, diet ranch dressing, half a man, half a friend, and now "Half Loser."

  • Second : I am far superior than you are, whatever you threw at me will come back and bites you back in the ass, you retard. I have the bike that you dream of riding, I have the car you've never touch in your life. (nobody respect a piece of shit honda ok? especially the one your mommy bought for you). You don't go bata when you can have nike for a few bucks more! I have a girlfriend, and you wish it could happened to you, and best of all, I don't pay for sex, and I don't beg my friends` mercy for food and money.

  • Third : You wanna go further? Ok... let me tell you,

    I despise "rakus" people. Orang yang kalau diajak ke resto kerjaannya cuma ambil lauk paling banyak, daging paling enak, abisin sisa-sisanya sampe tuh piring licin, (Trus masih sempet nyomot "daging" dari piring orang) tapi gak pernah bayar.

    I despise uneducated retard, who only think of himself, "cheap and uneducated" that is who you are. Let me see, you are so cheap that you pretend you drive sportbikes, you pretend you speed on the freeway, you pretend that you are going to make your own movie, and worst of all, you pretend you wanna be me.

    I despise people who begs for love. Kalau seseorang gak suka ama elo, apalagi udah punya cowok, be a man and walk away. Jangan karena alesan gue sayang dia lah, gue cinta mati lah. Akhirnya tuh cewek masih pilih cowoknya sebab dia tau elo tuh loser abis. Apalagi pake cerita cincin kawin yang harganya naik 3 x lipat dari 500, 1.000 sampai 1.500 dollar.

    I think people that pretends they are somekind of "Transforming Super-Hero" is a retard, childish (especially when you're hitting 30), and needs to go to psychologist (masa kecil kurang bahagia). Seriously dude, you need professional help, chicks don't dig guys who kept on saying "henshin" (with complete re-enactment) when they are eating with friends.

    I think you're hallucinating: lu pernah liat jam jalan mundur, lu pernah "mati" selama dua menit, lu punya "mantra aji" I mean, what the fuck? Perasaan lu gak ada matinye deh. (it would be good if you actually, died for a change)

    I lied sometimes, I admit. But, looking at you when you've said you bone the hottest chick twice a day, you have free experience with hot strippers, How you cum inside her (the girl you were having affair with) and have fantastic sex. But you've actually paid 75 bucks to get a lap dance on a strip club, while other spend only $ 15, makes me think I'm not 1 percent as bad as you are. And makes me think that you might need to check for AIDS.

    Gw despise orang yg suka ngaduin temen, emang lu kata kita kambing? trus lu ngadu sana sini kayak anak kecil... emang lu udah umur brp man? Ngaca tuh, muka udah kayak wayang golek masih aja lu sok cakep en sok pinter, sok kiut lagih pake ngadu².

    Gw despise orang yang suka melebih-lebihkan kemampuannya, pake bilang lu bisa main gitar, lu bisa main drum, bisa nyanyi, (eh, jadi inget terakhir karaokean, lu sama cewek-lu kabur gak bayar yah?) Pake belaga berantem ama cewek lu, terus mo anterin cewek lu buru-buru, padahal otak lu udah muter jauh sambil ketawa-ketiwi karena lolos kagak bayar. Lu bilang lu ciptain 5 lagu di FS ? Bang! sadar bang! bisa genjreng2 lagu doank bukan berarti lu yg ciptain lagu.... bisa bangkrut donk record company! Seriously, your skill suck ass, dude.

    Gw despise orang yang bilang mo quit irc lah, quit smoking lah, quit jadi dj-lah tapi gak pernah terjadi, lu udah bolak-balik brp kali ngerjain orang? Jadi DJ-pun lu kagak pernah siaran kalau gak disuruh, masih juga banyak alesan?
And to all of you, "I will live" gw gak nangis, sedih, ato mikirin, perkara lu mau jadi temen guwe atau kagak. Gw sadar kalau di dunia manusia gak ada yang sempurna, dan hell no, gw gak sempurna, remember this I don't give a fuck whether I have friends or not, because I am confidence that "I can stand on my own two feet."

In the end, I just wanted to say, Fuck you lah- buruan balik ke alam-lu disono. We don't need another hallucinating retard here.

p.s : you still owe me 18 bucks and a set of DVD movie that you borrow.

Sama, sekalian temen guwe yang mo ngasih ASUS mobo A8N-SLI, Fuck you too man! When I see you I'm gonna jam that mobo to your ass, hopefully yo ass support SLI.


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