IPTEK buat lansia ....

Gile .... kompie gw di kantor ... Windows O.S juga bisa bertahan ampir 13 hari tanpa shutdown ato restart..... Salut juga deh gw
Masih penasaran dengan kemampuan Windows Vista ===> apakah bisa menandingi OS.X ??
Percakapan dibawah terjadi kira-kira 3 hari yg lalu.
Teknologi untuk lansia : KoQ malah jadi gantungan buat leher ???
Ada satu client (teacher) yang masuk ke kantor gw (udah kerja di tempat ini selama 20 tahunan), terus ada salah satu physical therapist (Guru Olahraga) yg lagi make kompie di kantor gw. Sebut aja guru ini si Bodoh, dan physical thereapis ini kita panggil si India...
Si Bodoh : "retarders, where are the shortcut to access IEP Welligent located on this computer ??" (Note that she was asking for the same thing to be done on her classroom computer also...)
retarders : "I have not yet put any shortcut for that, why don't you just use the Internet Explorer and type in your address to Welligent ??
Si Bodoh : "I don't know the address, I don't even remember the address... I have so many things in my mind, I can't remember these complicated address !!!"
India : "It's very easy (dengan nada logat India kentel) You just have to start Internet Explorer which is the big "E" icon, double click and put it on the address bar... "iep.lausd.net"
si Bodoh : "What's an address bar....? That address is too long anyway, how can someone possibly remember that??"
retarders : "Bodoh, you cannot possibly suggesting that I put shortcut internet icon in every desktop , so that you can just double click to access iep??
si Bodoh : "Yes if it makes my life easier"
retarders : "What easier? it is so simple, you can even just type "IEP" on the address bar and it will take you there...."
si Bodoh : "I'm not computer savvy, and it's easier to just double click...."
C'mon everybody should at least learn how easy it is just to open the Internet Explorer, and type the three (3) letters "IEP" on their freakishly large address bar and press the enter button...
Has technology gone sour for the elderly ???? Teknology koQ jadi gantungan leher buat lansia yach ? Apakah karena mereka segitu malesnya ???
India : "Yeah ... it is very simple indeed..." (Ngedengerin doi gw jadi inget lagu Linkin Park - In the End yang versi India.....)
Si Bodoh : "Arrgh ... now they are asking me for user name and password ... and I don't remember mine, can't you help me retarders?"
retarders : "Your passwords are yours and you should keep them memorized, I have no access and I cannot help you if you have a problem forgetting your password..."
Si Bodoh : "Do you know the number for Welligent tech support?"
retarders : "Yes, its xxx-xxx-xxxx .... they should be able to reset your password.."
Si Bodoh : "I'm gonna call them right now.... let me use your EXTENSION phone..." (Lalu doi segera ke ruangan sebelah mencet mencet nomor....)
Si Bodoh : "ARGGHHH!!! the number you gave me is wrong, it doesnt go through....!!!!!" (Sambil komat kamit doi keluar ruangan saking keselnya)
retarders : "Damn ... every people that worked here should know that these EXTENSION phones can only receive, or make calls to other EXTENSION, but not DIAL OUT..."
India + retarders : "Bwakakakkakakakakakak".... (ngakak gak kuat nahan ketawa...)
Sometimes is sad ...the way technology movin' these days ... the elderly are digging their own graveyards....
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