Totally retarded Sunday afternoon.
Thanks to rufi3, for the mis-information of the date of the lotus festival, not only we are a week early, but we also have to spend a retarded Sunday afternoon walking around Echo Park.
Dapet informasi dari rufi3, kalau katanya bakalan ada lotus (bunga teratai) festival di bilangan Echo park di downtown LA, kru retarders segera meluncur ke TKP. tetapi ternyata setelah diteliti, festival bakalan diadakan minggu depan, alias si rufi3 salah baca. Daripada gw bingung2 mending gw tulis early report tentang Echo Park.
Echo park adalah salah satu tempat rekreasi umum yang terletak di bilangan daerah Glendale (freeway 101, exit Echo park / Glendale) Komunitas sekitar dihuni oleh orang-orang berdarah madura (mexico, hispanic, latin) dan Korea (sebab terbilang deket ama daerah kekuasaan mafia korea di Korean Town)

Sure, we all are easily amazed with the "air mancur" (or what rufi3 said "air muncrat") in the middle of the park, where people get ripped off riding a boat (which we have to pedal ourselves) for about 15 bucks a half an hour.

Furthermore, there are some people who doesn't know the difference between fishing, and fishing for garbache`. Literally, this lake is filled with dumps from the people around the parks.

Yea, gw tau kriminalitas di daerah LA memang cukup tinggi, tapi gak disebutin di website echo park kalau tikus juga ikutan mati diperkosa.... (entah sama apa)

Gak jauh dari TKP tikus diperkosa, ada kumpulan orang madur yang makan bareng, kayak "perjamuan terakhir" aja. This is why NKKBS (Norma Keluarga Kecil Bahagia & Sejahtera) is very important. Imagine you have to share one tiny fish that you just fished earlier amongst so many ppl? damn ....

Kayak bazaar aja.... semua junk food berbagai variasi dijual.

Similar in Indo, Echo Park also featured "Anjing Buduk" as one of the main attraction, these little puppies is free to take home, complete with rabies and skin disease package.

Ahhh... nothing like a nice Sunday Afternoon in the park... showing off my sweet and sexeh bodieh.... yes...
Mungkin retarders bukan orang yang begitu cerewet soal kebersihan, tapi kalau sampe ada tikus mati di park, tanpa ada yang perduli, sedangkan gak berapa meter dari situ orang orang pada makan, kesannya koq joroQ banget yah orang2?
What a retarded Sunday Afternoon.....
ah kgak rame ah.. kgak asik lah.. my word 80% istilah" disini dipake gituh.. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. kurang kreatip bwek!!!
- from the meow meow meow...
7/03/2006 12:10 AM
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