Virginia Tech Massacre, another sad excuse....

The fool who plays God ....
I saw the video how Cho, raps and ramble incoherent nonsense about being the martyr and shit, I can't believe how Virginia Tech had an English major who literally cannot speak English...BLACKSBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- Cho Seung-Hui, the student behind Monday's massacre on the Virginia Tech campus, described himself as a "question mark" who had an imaginary girlfriend, his roommates say.
John and Andy shared a dorm room with Cho, a 23-year-old senior English major, on the Virginia Tech campus. The three first met each other in the fall.
The roommates said Cho also used the Question Mark screen name to contact girls on instant messaging. On at least two occasions, police came to their room to investigate a girl's complaint, they said.And all the so called expert talks about how Cho's writing is very intimidating and shit, how he is mentally ill, even trying to understand his lame excuse for the shooting.The roommates said Cho once told them he had an imaginary girlfriend he called "Jelly."
"And she called him Spanky," Andy said. "She was a supermodel, I think."
In 2005, Cho was declared mentally ill by a Virginia special justice, who declared he was "an imminent danger" to himself, a court document states.We all know that mentally ill person should stay in mental institution, doesn't this just show how Americans are just slow in the "follow through" department? I wouldn't want to have someone who is declared as imminent danger beside me, let alone taking class with me....
"You had everything you wanted," Cho says in one video, speaking directly into the camera. "Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats. Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust fund wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac weren't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."Another sad excuse, why some people are only full of shit talkers, they cannot accept other's success, then the mentality kicks in "if I can't be rich then nobody can be"... You want to succeed in life, you gotta work hard, get over it and get a life.

Chicks doesn't dig this kind of desperados.

For real... Cho's attitude makes Officer Benny Ninja looks straight.
Honestly, I think Cho's just need to get laid, this is what happened when you don't get to use your ding dong for a while, it gets frustrated....
Another retard bites the dust...
Thanks to you Cho, for making Asians like us looks like hopeless retards.
-We can't drive,
-We can't open our eyes,
-We all look alike...
And now finally thanks to Cho, Asians are sad psycho mofos who can't get laid...
i don't think it's right to stereotype ourselves as being the same as him.. yes, he happened to be asian, and according to other people all asians look the same anyway.. but i think it's partially our fault that we're distancing ourselves from other people because of this accident.. you're giving the impression that you're condemning us [as in asians] for being asians.. that just doesn't make sense..
for all we know, attitudes like this are what drove the gunman to the corner.. yes, it might seem like random ramblings, but he had a tough childhood.. i'm not trying to justify his actions, nor am i trying to find excuses for him.. but people's minds work in different ways.. some people with tough childhood come up strong, and the others just fall, without any strength to get up again.. he probably fell in this category.. he was taunted by other students because he was different, and he condemned himself even further by shunning himself from the society.. every little thing that you do, or say, keep in mind that it makes a difference, not only to your life, but other people's too..
that being said, i don't understand why he's comparing himself with Jesus, and how he regarded the columbine gunmen as "martyrs".. Jesus and martyrs aren't cowards who took other people's lives before their own.. they sacrifice their own lives yes, but for a good cause.. and they don't bring other people's lives with them..
well.. since i'm sleepy, i'm not gonna continue rambling.. i just have a question though, just in case you can answer it =P
in wikipedia, this incident is classified as spree killing [ie. it took place in more than 1 location, but with a period of time in between] but to me, it looks kinda staged..
if he wanted to kill as many people as possible, why did he go to the rez hall and killed only 2 people there and went back? i mean, he could've just gone on a rampage in that building and start shooting everywhere right? does it mean that he specifically targeted the victims?
and why, after the first incident [yes, i know he went to post the NBC stuff] he went to the other side of the campus and pick norris hall to be his 2nd location? he could've just shot anyone on the way right? why did he have to go into a building, lock it up, and then start shooting?
a lot of questions that sprung up in my mind had been answered, albeit vaguely, except for this one.. help me?
4/20/2007 2:43 AM
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