retard vs. retard (PS3 Launch will definetely be a blast)!!

Hmm... I guess we're camping after all???
RayKo - says:
sup bt
Terence says:
d/ling old martial arts movies
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
Terence says:
well obviously they're all revenge movies
Terence says:
RayKo - says:
everything old school martial art movies is about revenge
Terence says:
hell yeah
Terence says:
but some of those who take revenge have one arm or something missing
Terence says:
so it would be interesting how they fight
Terence says:
also the bad guys have weird shit weapons
Terence says:
or the good guys have to study some weird ass kung fu
RayKo - says:
hmm ... like kung fu fuck you ?
RayKo - says:
Terence says:
good one
RayKo - says:
yeah ... i know you'll like it
RayKo - says:
so how bout it ? camp with me and we split the profit 60-40 ?
Terence says:
how come Crytal won't camp with you?
RayKo - says:
she has to go to work
RayKo - says:
launch is tomorrow ..
RayKo - says:
and ppl gonna be waiting in the night for it
RayKo - says:
she cant take a day off on probation period... she prefers not
Terence says:'re gonna freeze to death
RayKo - says:
c'mon it would be like good ol' days
RayKo - says:
mingle and chat together
RayKo - says:
yeah ... but im gonna sell it for twice the prize to those geeks wanted it
Terence says:
and what will we doing while we camp?
RayKo - says:
shit ... talk ... watch movies ... bla bla bla
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
practice fuck you kung-fu
Terence says:
and from what time to what time is this?
RayKo - says:
well ...
RayKo - says:
think about from midnight to 7 am in the morning when best buy opens
Terence says:
it sounds so stupid just like before and it tempts me
Terence says:
Terence says:
and you have a sure buyer?
RayKo - says:
you know it ... we're like brothers
RayKo - says:
im gonna sell it ... out in the front of best buy ...
RayKo - says:
Terence says:
ok...aswer the last question
RayKo - says:
i dont have a sure buyer.... but it would be selling like hotcakes
RayKo - says:
there's only 400,000 units
RayKo - says:
you can still sell it on ebay
RayKo - says:
look @ ebay listing
RayKo - says:
they go up to tweice the price
Terence says:
so why not buy 2 then?
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
thats what im saying ... we could buy two it there's another person in the line
RayKo - says:
one person can only get 1 ticket
Terence says:
and the other $400 has to come from me?
Terence says:
or is it coming from you?
RayKo - says:
1800 bucks
RayKo - says:
urm ... thats a good question ... it would help if you can help me out for the purchase.. if not .. i can spend my saving on it
RayKo - says:
cuz im not keeping that shit to play game
Terence says:
hmmm...sounds so stupid that can't help but get into it myself
Terence says:
are you sure going to bestbuy at 12am is good enough?
RayKo - says:
we gonna have to scout since bestbuy close @ 8
Terence says:
i'm sure a lot of people have same idea as you and are going earlier
RayKo - says:
or 9
RayKo - says:
well the good thing is ...with 2 ppl .. one can head home and grab some snacks or supplies
Terence says:
so we have to start camping at 9pm?
RayKo - says:
yeah ... sounds so stupid tat it actually makes you even hornier to get it
RayKo - says:
we'll start camping when bestbuy closed i guess
RayKo - says:
but look @ the prices on those shitty machines... 1800 bucks?
RayKo - says:
i would be happy if we can sell one for 1000 @ the door
Terence says:
but it's $400 machine right?
RayKo - says:
no ... it's 500 bucks
RayKo - says:
c'mon write a check and you'll get one in return anyway
RayKo - says:
it's not like it's deducted automatically that day
RayKo - says:
we'll try to sell it @ neighboring stores and shit
RayKo - says:
get our money back fast!
Terence says:
well...there's always returning it...hahaha
Terence says:
so which best buy then?
RayKo - says:
if it's unopened... yes
RayKo - says:
the one in canoga?
RayKo - says:
like a mile away from my place
RayKo - says:
you can always camp at frys
RayKo - says:
but fry's doesnt give tickets
Terence says:
i guess that's the best choice
Terence says:
there's a bestbuy near here also
Terence says:
so it's all the stores
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
check it out
Wakakaka.... iya neh bang jinzky...
You know ... this blog deserves special red carpet preview of PS3 launching donks :P
11/16/2006 11:48 AM
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