I've got a bone to pick with you!!!
Happy-nya gw .... weekend ini sempet dibelanjain sepokat baru!!

Neraka Jahanam.... sepatu gw yg udah setia menemani gw selama 4 tahun terakhir.....

Orang bilang kalau dideketin skidmarks-nya ada foto nchatz ama jinzky.
No wash, no brush
Pokoknya tiap hari pake.... gak weekdays gak weekend...
Sole-nya aja udah copot
4 years of sweat... doesn't make it easy on the smell department either....

Meet my new shoes !!!! ... I like how it looks.... simple, and clean....

Crystal bought it for me, past weekend.... It kinda match my personality ^^!
Other than that.... this weekend I've got my early Christmas present!!!

A gigantic Bone!!! from Wal-Mart, Crystal also bought this for me!

*Storm Riders moments*
Tanpa bisa dipungkiri lagi... tulang ini membuat gw keliatan lebih sangar en retarded...

retarders to bos: "I've got a bone to pick with you!!!"
Kayak di film "Lord of the Rings...."
*sangar mode on*
And best of all ... gw mo taro di kantor gw ....
Buat nakutin org sekantor
wong dia yg pengen :p
11/20/2006 6:26 PM
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