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Friday, March 03, 2006

Something you don't see everyday....

Teh kotak....
entah kapan terakhir kali gw liat logo ini.... udah seabad kayaknya

Foto diambil dari salah satu restoran indo di daerah Pasadena (Indokitchen)

"bubbl3, excited seeing ayam goreng and krupuk abang abang....."
"BT, excited seeing Kecap Manis ABC..."

On the other hand...
I've been trying to teach my cat some technology....

She's been reading blogs in her daily routine prior to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Now all she needs is just a pair of glasses and a cup of cappucino....

Here's another one ... "Nokia connecting people.... and cats too, apparently"
My cats are very aware of technology, yes indeed...

Blogging for Dummies can tell you how put the "u" in "Dumb"

This one is a classic ... I though blogging doesn't require much of "Supernatural Ability" I think most users with an average intelligent pretty much can blog. What are you trying to imply? That we are all retards?

Kids... stay in school... it's very cool...

.... does this remind you of something???

Does Hitachi knows about this???


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