Review Internet Explorer 7 Beta II
Horeee!!!!.... Internet Explorer 7 beta
Mayan bisa test drive Internet Explorer 7 yang paling baru dari microsoft... Gw happy sebab dulu, konon sebelum Firefox sama Opera keluar gw paling suka ama yang namanya Internet Explorer, cuma yah lama kelamaan diketahui kalau IE banyak bug nya.
Bug: Suatu kekurangan dalam suatu program komputer, yang bisa mengakibatkan program tersebut tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Terkadang bug ini bisa diexploitasi sama abang-abang hacker untuk merugikan pihak si pemilik komputer.
Hacker: orang-orang kurang kerjaan yang suka nongkrong di warnet atau depan kompie seharian cari barang gratisan dan software bajakan, terkadang merugikan orang.
Nah, Intinya ada beberapa hal baru yang gw perhatiin ada nongol di IE 7 ini:

Turut berduka cita atas dipergunakan-nya bloggie si NC sebagai kelinci percobaan.
- Tombol back dan forward diperkecil, kelihatan lumayan sederhana
- Tombol "home" balik ke homepage awal diganti gambar rumahnya (sedikit lebih elit)
- Pilihan "Tools" ngeluarin menu Internet Option, dari history sampe pop-up blocker (walaupun setelah dicoba tetep aja pop-up keluar kayak semut ketemu gula)
- Gambar kotak kecil warna ijo, ngasih liat loading time yang diperlukan sampe website diload penuh.
- Kaca Pembesar (Suryakanta) yang bisa dipake buat ngegedein ato ngecilin website yang lagi ditonggolin.

retarders siap-siap uji coba Internet Explorer 7 Beta II (pake perlindungan juga donks)
Baru halaman pertama setelah bloggie si NC
Cuma diperlukan waktu kurang dari 1 menit 43 detik untuk menampilkan fitur diatas.
Microsoft rupanya semakin hebat dalam mengurangi "expected crash time"
Produk gagal??? Atau kekurangan dana? retarders sudah mencoba, tinggal anda yang buktikan...
tambahan sedikit.....
From my dear Partner in Crime
Top 10 reasons why you shouldn't piss off your IT Guy @ work
- We can use operating system other than Microsuck Windoze to continue our work.
- We know where exactly "where" and "what" to look in your Internet Explorer history folder.
- When we are upset, we tell you that we are very busy, that job queues are so long, that you have to wait another day, waiting for us to finish blogging stupid entry on
- We're the only ones that can access IM, hotmail, and other blocked websites, and we are not obligated to tell you how.
- We decide when can you go online and when you cannot, the only differences between the two is just on the courtesy of treatment we're getting.
- When you decided to backstab us to the boz, we decided to unplug your HardDrive for a week.
- We can (and we have thousand reasons) justify two hour lunch as a standard "research or preparation procedures."
- Bad Cop--no donut. Bad attitude--no privacy.
- We can eliminate all your private login information, hot pictures, research papers that you spend days working on and all those
pornwebsite bookmarks, with a few clicks from our remote administration station. - We know that when you plug in a wireless router, your user is "admin" and your password is "password" (meaning: free rides for us through your personal network).
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