I'm such an idol.... (retarded idol)
Baru aja dapet e-mail tentang blackberry yang model baru dari T-Mobile.

*e-mail from up to 10 accounts = sure my old nokia do that
*Intuitive suretype keyboard = I'm not sure what is intuitive, but my nokia also do that.
*1.3 megapixel camera = are you kiddin' me ???
Hmm... gw gak tau yach kenapa americans ngedewa-dewa kan yang namanya blackberry, it's simply ugly. Why would you pay extra 300 bucks for that?
check out my old nokia phone. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Why settled for 1.3 when you can have 3.2 megapixel nikon camera "integrated" ?

For compatibility issue ... all you need is just a regular clear tape.
My nokia sure kicks blackberry's ass.
Gw mo cerita ttg temen gw yg selalu mengidolakan gw, kita kerja satu kantor....
Entah gw emang tenar atau temen gw bener bener mendewakan gw.....
- We had the same car

- We had the same ipod (Black Color)

- We go to the same school
Gw jadi mikir ... ini orang koq lifestyle nya nyamain gw banget gituh ....
Yang paling bikin gw bete .... doi gak malu malunya mintain gw bikinin PeEr-nya....
Gak cuma sekali, 2 kali, tiap kali doi punya PeEr, selalu gw yang harus bikinin....
Chattingan gw kemaren....
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
nice bike (it's my bike)
RayKo - says:
u just bought it?

: ) says:
ha ha ha
: ) says:
very funny
: ) says:
hey didu buy the wii already...
RayKo - says:
it's not in store... how can u buy it ?
RayKo - says:
except u wanna spend 600 bucks for it
: ) says:
no way
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
Sorry, no wii (Nintendo wii)'s are in stock right now. This page will rescan for the wii (Nintendo wii) in a couple minutes.
Make sure one click ordering is enabled at Amazon and that you have an account set up at the all other stores checked.
RayKo - says:
i've got marvel ultimate alliance for PC though
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
what u mean why ?
: ) says:
u shouldn't wait for the wii
RayKo - says:
because it's free
: ) says:
: ) says:
i see
RayKo - says:
you always see, but not hear...
: ) says:
oh i hear
: ) says:
hey dude I need ur help for my homework, please!!!
RayKo - says:
... what kind ..
RayKo - says:
i know you got an A on the last homework... (karena gw bikinin)
: ) says:
when do u have time I just need half, or an hour....
: ) says:
maybe saturday then after we can go out, to the movies or for dinner
: ) just sent you a nudge.
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
weekend i have no probs
RayKo - says:
dim sum
: ) says:
dim sum???
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
that looks good
: ) says:
is it good?
RayKo - says:
it's very good
: ) says:
ok, so maybe we can go after.....
RayKo - says:
ok ...
RayKo - says:
im gonna drop of my car on the dealer saturday 8 am
RayKo - says:
what is your homework about ?
: ) says:
database used in workplace
RayKo - says:
owww shit...
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
can't help ya
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
lolz... cuz that one is a pain in the azz
: ) says:
oh dont worry between the 2 of us well do it
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
oh dont worry between the 2 of us I will do it ===> OK!! Sounds Good
: ) says:
ha ha ha
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
damn.... I should have not say hi to you ....
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
*stupid me*
RayKo - says:
ok .... from now on ... im off the msn ... im gonna use my super secret address
: ) says:
dude I know, i'm sorry I have to bother you......
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
damn ... you show the sign of weakness
: ) says:
but I appreciate your help.....
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
dude I know, i'm sorry I have to bother you...... ===> stop being gay ... you supposed to be the bad cop
RayKo - says:
WTF ....
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
but I appreciate your help..... ===> So gayyyy
: ) says:
ok, MTF,...mofo
RayKo - says:
you're the badass that supposed to push for it ... not saying im sorry
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
you've got gay written all over your 4head
: ) says:
you too
: ) says:
ha haha
RayKo - says:
damn negro .... dont make me alter your pic and turn you into a midget on yellow tricycle
: ) says:
ha ha ha
: ) just sent you a nudge.
RayKo - says:
nudging is also gay
: ) winks:
Play "Water Balloon"
RayKo - says:
still gay
: ) says:
never mind
RayKo - says:
ne ver mind what
: ) says:
so it the game good?
RayKo - says:
i dunno ... still downloading... 4.3 Gig
: ) says:
ha ha ha
: ) says:
well the pict looks good
RayKo - says:
damn ... i look so cool
: ) says:
that's gay
: ) says:
dont be so proud of how u look
: ) says:
that sounds gay
RayKo - says:
im so confident... your words will bounce off me like a rubber ball
: ) says:
hey did she call again?
RayKo - says:
damn ... the lens flare made me look godly
RayKo - says:
who called again ?
: ) says:
ur x
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
with the "R"
RayKo - says:
lookz so Fine !!!!
RayKo - says:
===> yeah she called
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
damn ... my avatar!!! is hot!
: ) says:
no coments
RayKo - says:
yeah ... you only wish you can put the Letter W impression on your's
: ) says:
I will...
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
ha ha ha
: ) says:
ok gordo,..... i got to go......
RayKo - says:
goota fuck the neighbour chick
: ) says:
RayKo - says:
RayKo - says:
u wish
: ) says:
see u
RayKo - says:
: ) says:
bla blah
RayKo - says:
gotta go... but yo ass is still here
Hmm.... I'm such an idol.... retarded idol....
I guess... errr. But if I didnt put everything... its not cool... not the whole story .... :P
11/30/2006 8:33 PM
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